Thursday, August 15, 2013

Here We Go Again

   There was a point in all of this nonsense, as bad as I felt during the day, I remember if I woke up in the morning and didn't move...if I just held still and didn't  move a muscle...I felt like a normal person.  I felt as if nothing were wrong.  That was before my other symptoms kicked in.  Now, I always feel something is wrong.  Even if I just wake up and don't open my eyes yet, I feel pins and needles in my face.  I feel a constant tremor  through my body.  The tremor is so  much that I have to either clench my teeth or separate them, or else they chatter.  Its like electricity is running through my body or something.  I often wonder if my kids can sense it.  If they can sense Im never really "at rest" and if it makes them nervous or worried.  There isn't a minute that goes by during the day that I feel "normal".  I have to concentrate on standing, walking, talking, swallowing.
   This morning I woke up and, in addition to my facial nonsense, my throat was tight, my neck hurt, my lower jaw was "buzzing".  It could be one of a few things:  It could be an infection somewhere in my body and Im working so hard at fighting that off that I cant fight off e every symptom of my MS and its acting up, It could be a "new" symptom (which it better not because Im on this high risk, most effective treatment for MS, brain eating drug) or it  could be the actual brain eating disease itself.  My husband suggested that rather than diagnose it myself to call my specialist.  So, I did.  I spoke to the nurse, which spoke to the doctor.  She told me that "in a normal case" they wouldn't worry, but since it was me.... and my MS is so active and just doesn't give me a break, they would like me to get an MRI as soon as possible.  So, here I go again, Tomorrow at 2pm.  Wish me luck...
   I don't like to leave these blogs all negative.  So, I have been progressing rapidly this week.  My balance has been great and I am no longer dizzy at all.  I can run a little and was even able to save my youngest from careening down the driveway and into the trees yesterday!  The kids were so proud of me :).  So, hopefully this is just a minor setback and I will be back on the road to recovery shortly.

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