Tuesday, January 6, 2015

HAPPY New Year....

     I will try this again.  After my last blog I received FB messages, phone calls, emails and texts from friends, family and even my Pastor.  Thank you!  Thank you for your concern.  As I explained to people, I have a "Beautiful Life", A wonderful, beautiful life...but I am also realistic.  I write this blog for a few reasons: 1. For my children.  So they can look back and read a journal of my life. 2. For my family and friends.  So they can know and understand what exactly Im going through.  3. For me.  So I can get the thoughts that swirl around in my head on "paper" and off my mind.  4. For others that might be going through something like I am going through. So they can compare and have someone to relate to and maybe be inspired by. 5.  For the future.  Hopefully some day each blog post will be the basis for a chapter in my book.
  So... If my blog was all fluffy bunnies (got 'em)
.. and pig tails and flowers (yep)
...and rum with honey fruit and berries (check)

....and warm puppies (Uh Huh)...
(All these since last blog BTW)

Then what good would that do anyone? It wouldn't get the thoughts to stop swirling in my brain, my book would be unrealistic, no one dealing with what I am would be able to compare, my family would be in the dark and my kids would look back and wonder why if I felt so good and did so much why I DIDNT do so much and was so different from other parents.
My "Beautiful Life......with ms".  That is what Multiple Sclerosis is.  Some days are good and some days, not so much.  I live with it all.  My family deals with it all.  I write about it (almost) all.  And, you read it all (those of you that want to). 
I thank you, everyone in my life, for understanding it all!
HAPPY New Year! Good luck with all your resolutions.  I will observe and learn from them and get mine ready for May 18th.  The turning of my year.

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