Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A Day in the Life

The day started as it continued throughout.  It took me 5 tries to throw a Q-Tip in the trash can.  We have the type of can that you step on the pedal and it opens.  FIVE times.  Such a simple thing.  Frustrated me at the time, but I didn't realize the WHOLE day would go like that.  My coordination is way off today.  Woke up 30 minutes before we had to leave for the bus.  Both small kids wanted to be carried downstairs.  I used to be able to handle this, ask anyone, my arms used to be full of on each hip.  Then, this.  So, I choose the squeakiest wheel and carried it down first, clutching the stair rail and stepping very precariously.  I then put that one down, which is now screaming because I let them go, and I go up for the next (you see how I gain strength and fit in exercise).  I get the second, who is still screaming because they were abandoned and I bring them down and place them next to the other screaming abandoned child.  They are both screaming now because they still both want to be carried.  At a point, as little as a month back, they would be my "happy travelers" and both climb aboard my wheelchair, but I refuse to use it now, no matter how tired I get.  So, meanwhile the oldest is shouting demands such as; make my lunch Im going to be late and "Where are my shoes" and such...  We make it out the door and into the van, half in our underwear, and make the bus.  One down.  When we arrive back to the house, the screaming begins again because one wants to stay in the van and watch TV and one wants to go in and neither want to be alone....Typical morning in our house, but I can handle it.  Al is on a 24, as usual lately.  So, its only me but Im SO doing it.  This morning, However, my brain is on my fundraiser.  In between one screaming and the other covering the house with baby powder, I am on the computer designing fliers and tickets and such. 
  I finally got approved for an ECAD Assistance Dog and I need to raise $8000.  They say it takes most people 6 months to a year to raise the money.  They don't know ME.  So, I have to blow the roof off this fundraising.  Miranda Vineyard offered their venue for minimal to help my cause.  So, I have a place.  The date is Nov 10th.  Now, Im multi-tasking trying to used the computer and tend to the kids....who are behaving like a pack of wild wolves.  I can only use the laptop to design and you really wouldn't think how much hand-eye coordination it takes to use a laptop or pc.  Its not easy.  I keep deleting and hitting the wrong button and.....Argggg.
  My mom had a friend over in the midst of this and I apologized ever so much for my house being a mess, but Im trying to organize a fundraiser.  Naturally she asks and I explain. She then tells me her mom works at the local radio station......what are the odds..... within a half hour I sent her all the info.
  In one day I have created the flyer, made tickets, contacted a band and began to advertise. See my web site or my facebook page (my beautiful life with ms)
 for details.  I still need a lot to come together....
   Back to my day...  I  pour maple syrup all over the counter instead of in my coffee cup because I misjudge it...  What the heck.  So, I take AJ out to play outside and blow off some steam by raking leaves...I got poked in the eye by branches FOUR TIMES because I didn't see them coming.... It went on.
  Through this fundraising process I am still amazed at the same old thing.  Some people will drop everything to help, to offer whatever they can.  Then, some, are so self concerned and absorbed and busy with nonsense that they cant even respond to an email....really?  Then I think, I used to be there.  I used to sit behind my desk at work and delete all the emails I couldn't do anything about immediately or that didn't directly concern me.  I was one of those people.  Never again..
  One last note...  ECAD has a live puppy cam.  You can watch the puppies just born.  You can also sure to put my name(Tina Torizzo) in the notes when you donate online or by check...

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